Being pregnant is a magical time, but it also comes with a lot of questions…

like what’s safe to eat, what chemicals to avoid, and what normal activities are now a little risky.

It is so easy to get overwhelmed and panicked, which leads to a scary fall into the internet rabbit holes.

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I’ve been there, so please know, you are not alone in this stress.

All you need is a simple guide that tells you what to watch out for to keep your baby:

1.) safe,

2.) give him/her the best chance for a healthy start in life, and

3.) give you peace of mind.

Would you be interested in that guide?

I have the guide you need. There is science-backed information about diet, activity, personal care, household chemicals, and more that should be avoided during pregnancy and I’ve compiled it into one simple guide just for women like you — women who want to do everything in their power to ensure their baby gets the best start to their life possible.

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I know what it’s like to worry about your pregnancy and the fear that goes along with it. Creating life is a HUGE responsibility.

That’s why I created this guide. I want to empower you so those worries and anxieties don’t rob you of the joy you should get to experience.

With this guide you’ll be able to:

  • Have peace of mind that you are doing everything right for your baby.

  • Cut down stress around everyday questions that arise.

  • Use it as a quick reference tool when you aren’t sure about something.

  • Reduce the number of toxins your baby is exposed to before they are born.

  • Put the focus back on the joy and excitement of pregnancy.

How it Works Healthy Pregnancy Guide _

Here’s What This Quick Reference Guide Includes…

Pregnancy brings a lot of questions. Here is a comprehensive list of what to avoid (foods, activity, household items, beauty products, etc.) to keep your baby safe and healthy. | // Pregnancy Guide // Healthy Pregnancy // Things to av…

A Comprehensive List of What to Avoid While Pregnant to Protect Your Baby

Complete, detailed information about:

  • Diet- So you know EXACTLY what you can eat to keep your baby healthy and thriving.

  • Activities- KNOWLEDGE about what activities are safe and beneficial to you and the baby.

  • Beauty- REDUCES the number of toxins and chemicals that your baby is exposed to.

  • Household items - GETS YOU OUT of doing some household tasks that you hate. Your welcome!

  • Over-the-counter medications- PEACE OF MIND when you aren't feeling well and you need a little relief from symptoms.

  • Other special considerations- CUTS DOWN on worrying that you are doing something that could pose a risk to your baby.


Did you know…

Studies have shown that on average over 287 known toxins are found in a woman’s umbilical cord blood. This is all before your baby has taken its first breath of air.


You don’t have to leave your baby’s health up to Google and frantic searches mid-panic.

This guide is made up of critical pieces of information straight from Doctors- OB/GYNs & Endocrinologists, APRNS, Nurses, and a Nutritionist, in conjunction with my own research, to help you determine how to make your environment and daily life safe for your and baby.

I did the leg work so you don't have to! Use the time to get a massage instead...You're welcome!


PCOS Pregnancy |

When you think of those precious 10 fingers and 10 toes counting on you to protect them, don't you want to do everything you can?


Purchase the pregnancy guide now and protect your baby's future!

You won’t regret it!

Non-toxic pregnancy guide |

Digital downloads are non-refundable. 

*Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional so please consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about using any of these remedies. I make no guarantee of results because everyone's body and genetics respond differently. I am sharing what I have found through research and use to be helpful and am offering that to you. Listen to your own body!